Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I am going to sit for my Maths test in 5 and a half hour time and I have to wake up at least an hour earlier. So what am I doing here writing this blog?

I am actually freaked out because this is my first test since 2009 and here I am, not really knowing what to do and just hope that I won’t be panicked because I know I will screw up if i did and I really hope that it wont be like the other day when I screw up my first quiz because I am overly confident that I answered correctly but I missed out a very important point that cost me 46 marks!!!

I am suppose to be sleeping right now but last night I slept at about 3 or 4 in the morning after I finished reading ‘Notting Hell’. Yes, you got the title right, I did not misspell Hill as Hell but it is as what u see.

Then, I woke up at 8.30 in the morning feeling soooo terrible because it’s the time of the month where I raise my red flag again. After about an hour I tried to go back to sleep and when I was dozing off, my phone rang.. and it happened again 20 minutes later. I feel a little pissed but I because of the fact that I am tired, I managed to go back to sleep peacefully until I woke up and realized that it’s already 2.30 PM. Whoops.

And because of that, I can’t sleep now. maybe I will try and read a little bit of Jane Eyre. I know it will make me sleepy. Reading the first few pages of a book always make me feel sleepy before I get to the best part where all the drama begins!!

So now, with no shame at all, knowing that no one is reading my blog, I thank you all for reading.


Good Night~

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