Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I don’t care


I often see and hear people talking about how they don’t care if others are bullshitting about them. If they really don’t care? Why bother talking about it? Just let it be.

I will call the people who are talking bad - X

The thing that X expects you to do when they say something bad are:-

1. For you to do the same to them – Which you don’t really want to do because it will make you low just like them.

2. Denying it in every possible way  Which to some people it may be the truth since that you are trying your best to say that it’s not true and without proof, there’s nothing much you can do.

3. Say that you don’t care – Of course you will say that! Just to hurt X but in the end it will get back to you because they get to bitch about you and you don’t. It will be very frustrating when that happens.


So, how exactly are we suppose to get even with this kind of people? There are some ways to do it. My personal favourite is to keep myself low and not to reveal so much about my life. After all, I am the one living my life.

This is some ways to get rid of X for good. Remember, before you do anything at all, be very sure of the gossip and is it really about you.

1. Confront X in a very friendly manner and act as if you don’t know that X is the one who talks bad about you and ask them, “Hey, I heard some rumours going on about me being ………, I wonder who started it? Do you think I am that kind of person?” Then, wait for their reaction. The look on their face is enough to make you satisfied.

2. Walk up to X with a smile on you face and give X a big thank you. If they ask you for what, just answer, for making me realize that you are not a good friend, for making me realize what other people think about me, for making me realize that things can come from absolutely no where. There are a lot of things to answer X depending on how you feel.

3. IGNORE. Just pay no attention to these people. By doing just that, you already win. Just leave all the people who are trying to bring you down and move ahead.

“ An expert is someone who has succeeded in making decisions and judgements simpler  through knowing what to pay attention to and what to ignore.”

These are all the things that I would do if ever there’s some people who talks bad about me. Although that rarely happen (as far as I’m concern)

Till next time.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan's Recent Disaster

As what we all know, Japan had been hit by an earthquake, bigger than any of the earthquakes before (8.9/9.0 magnitude) on 11th March, 2011. The earthquake created tsunami waves of up to 10 meters (33 ft) that struck Japan, with smaller waves in many other countries. As a result of this, many other damage is done to the country. The roads and the buildings, people are left without electricity and water. To add up to their misery, two nuclear power plant in Fukushima.

It's certainly is one disaster after another, while many had been rescued, thousands are dead and  there are still about 10,000 people missing or couldn't be contacted. Sad and shocking. Although other countries experienced smaller waves, there are not much damage done. 

The point that I am trying to make here is, a lot of people is talking about the disaster and I couldn't help but listen and try not to make judgment. There are 2 sides of course, one is the one who said that they deserved it, another is the one who said that we all should pray for them. To me, I am on both sides, some of the people in Japan may deserve it but the rest of them don't.

The people who keep on talking about how terrible it is and how awful they must feel, it's the one that I actually look down on, not the ones who condemned them. I am saying this because just by offering sympathy and condolences from word of mouth and other media alternative doesn't make a difference to them. They are still in a very vulnerable condition. What they need is not sympathy, they need help and I think there must be something that we can do to help. 

Participate in fund raising, be a volunteer, donate, anything as long as there are some things done to help them ease their burden. The loss they incurred are estimated to more than USD100 billion and it will take years to rebuild the country.

Here's a link I found on Google that we can use to donate online. Remember, every penny counts.


God Bless Everyone.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Life plans

This year, I am going to turn 23 and yet I am still clueless. What is it that we're suppose to do in this life? I read about people who got married at this age, in fact, my mom was pregnant with me when she's just 21 (I think). I'm not sure if I'm ready to settle down. I wanted to have kids but I don't think I am ready for that kind of responsibility. I just want to still be young and active when my kid is at my age now. 

I don't think that I am even ready to take care of my own life. Maybe it's because of convenience? Maybe I should try and live on my own, support myself in order to grow up. I should stop depending on other people and just try and figure things out myself for a change. 

What is the first step to do? I guess I gave to make this decision myself too because even if someone tells me what to do, in the end, it's my choice to make, it's the road that I take is the thing that will count. 

Sometimes, I just wonder about all the successful people, how on earth did they get there? Maybe it's all about the connections, who you know and who they know. I got my first real job through some connection, got into my practical attachment job with the help of my boss here, so maybe it's easier.

There are people who are lucky enough to have someone who can at least guide them through their life until they are ready to take on it themselves, as for me, I need to draw my own map and I suck at it. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I am going to sit for my Maths test in 5 and a half hour time and I have to wake up at least an hour earlier. So what am I doing here writing this blog?

I am actually freaked out because this is my first test since 2009 and here I am, not really knowing what to do and just hope that I won’t be panicked because I know I will screw up if i did and I really hope that it wont be like the other day when I screw up my first quiz because I am overly confident that I answered correctly but I missed out a very important point that cost me 46 marks!!!

I am suppose to be sleeping right now but last night I slept at about 3 or 4 in the morning after I finished reading ‘Notting Hell’. Yes, you got the title right, I did not misspell Hill as Hell but it is as what u see.

Then, I woke up at 8.30 in the morning feeling soooo terrible because it’s the time of the month where I raise my red flag again. After about an hour I tried to go back to sleep and when I was dozing off, my phone rang.. and it happened again 20 minutes later. I feel a little pissed but I because of the fact that I am tired, I managed to go back to sleep peacefully until I woke up and realized that it’s already 2.30 PM. Whoops.

And because of that, I can’t sleep now. maybe I will try and read a little bit of Jane Eyre. I know it will make me sleepy. Reading the first few pages of a book always make me feel sleepy before I get to the best part where all the drama begins!!

So now, with no shame at all, knowing that no one is reading my blog, I thank you all for reading.


Good Night~

Monday, January 24, 2011

Windows Live Writer

Today, I discovered that I can use this application that I get from Windows update to write my blog. I think it’s sooo cool!! It’s something like the word programme and it’s super easy to use. I am feeling like I’m writing in the boxes of my blog. I can see the layout while I’m writing. This is how it looks like:-



Knowing that I have this super cool feature in my laptop now, I might be blogging more but then it’s very hard to find the ideas of what to write. At this very minute I am yawning while typing. I guess it’s because my life is so boring that I have nothing interesting to share with everyone. I don’t even go out karaoke-ing that often anymore because I don’t really feel like it. My level of fitness is really really low and so is my stamina. I can’t really sing high notes or the ones with long breath anymore. It’s exhausting!

My current activities now are just watch movie at home, play some game, go to class 2 hours on Wednesday and 1 hour on Thursday, watch some Korean drama (currently watching Playful Kiss, Witch Yoo Hee, and later on gonna watch Marry Me Mary which is suppose to be super good), and watch Season 3 of 90210. I really want to find and watch the first generation of Beverly Hills, 90210 to see how much they progressed! Waiting for the next episode of Glee which will only be aired on the 3rd of February, and last but not least AMERICAN IDOL SEASON 10!!!

I think I like the new line-up of judges, Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez and randy Jackson. They look like they are having so much fun during the audition! I’m looking forward to this year’s Idol and I really hope it’s not gonna disappoint me like the last 2 seasons where I personally think that Adam Lambert and Crystal Bowersox is suppose to win the Idol title.

Now I am going to start playing Dungeons and Dragons. It’s an MMORPG game but I can’t seem to figure out how to properly install it on my computer.

Till next time peeps!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


This week is a busy week. I miss this kind of days where I constantly have something to do but  I think when I am too busy, I'll be missing my "Sleep til noon everyday" time. Looking on the bright side, I'll be living my life healthier.

It's been a few days since I last update my blog, although no one is actually reading it, but I don't care =P

Sofie, a good friend of mine is back in KK for the weekend and we're suppose to go out and have fun!! It''s been so long since the girls go out and enjoy. Like me, I'm always with the guys and they're boring. I miss gossiping. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Vegetable Soup

Today, in my attempt to lose weight and lead a healthier life, I make myself a vegetable soup. Very fast and simple. Took me just about 15-20 minutes.

The ingredients are:-

A handful of Udang Kering / Dried Shrimps (for the soup base)

1 Stick of Carrot, sliced

2 Tomatoes, Diced

1 Onion, Diced

2 Potatoes, Diced

Ginger, the size of 2 thumbs, sliced

Monday, January 3, 2011

A step towards a better life

Today, I went to Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, to register and take on my last subject - Maths. I'm not suppose to take this subject again because I can do it with my eyes close (literally) but then I fell asleep while studying and didn't wake up in time for the paper. It was  a mistake. I don't see it in a negative way though because I believe there must be a reason why I didn't wake up. Maybe I will get into a serious accident or something. Furthermore, "A mistake isn't a mistake unless it can't put right " - Quoted from The Undomestic Goddess written by Sophie Kinsella.

Well, I am actually still here in Politeknik waiting for the Ketua Jabatan. The day is hot and rainy. I've went to look for the KJ twice before and he's not there, so today I've come -prepared- With a book and my lappie!
The book is a selected edition by Reader's Digest and I've read 2 of them, this is the third one. Four stories in one book and it's a mix of Romance, Thriller, Murder and so on. They're all by famous authors. The one I'm reading now is by Martin O'Brien, Lee Child, Sophie Kinsella and Jeffrey Archer. In fact, I've read The Undomestic Goddess twice already. Two thumbs up for that book!

Reader's Digest Selected Edition.

Well, no exercise for me today, but I climb a three-storey building twice and walked to the car park twice so that's enough exercise today, plus my muscles especially in the calves area hurt! I've waited for  40 minutes and When the KJ is finally in his office, the PA just do his own thing and I waited for another 5 minutes before I go to her and ask can I go in now?? She is very incompetent. This is the first I met Mr. KJ and he's a very nice person and easy to talk with! Today was a relieve but then tomorrow I must go and finish up everything because by the time I'm done registering, it took me almost 3 hours and it's after office hours. 

The only thing I dislike about today is the fact that I have to remove my nail polish because of the rules. But then, I wouldn't want to go and meet important people with blue nails right? 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The actual beginning of 2011

Since that I have decided to do something this year, I must be content and do it. Yesterday, the only thing I did was update this blog, games on facebook, and watch 3 movies! I can't do that for the rest of the year.

So, today, I decided to go out for a walk, and a little jog. I was suppose to do it this morning but I can hardly open my eyes. Slept for 10 hours straight and the rest of the day I do nothing.

This year, I must lose at least 5 kg. I have 12 months to do that, so, I only need to lose approx. 0.4 kg per month. What's so hard about that?

I currently weight 55kg. Which is overweight according to the BMI index. Any advice on losing the fats?

------------------------------< Off To Jog >--------------------------

Since that it's raining and I am feeling too lazy and dangerous to get out of the house, I decided to just do a FAT BURNING BELLY DANCE routine I found on Youtube. It's between 30-40 minutes I'm not so sure because I never reach the end of it. There's four parts of it and I only manage up to half of the second part. FOR NOW. Here's the video:-

While I'm warming up, I started to sweat. That was at the first 8 minutes of the video. Tomorrow, I promise myself that I will do up to part 3!

------------------------------< Later On >---------------------------

I am going to pamper myself by taking a long bath and play with my nails with my 3 new nail colours, 2 from The Face Shop in Blue (BL606) and Purple (PP409), and another one is a gift I get from Christmas gift exchange in the office, Wine Red from Skin Food, I don't know what the code is.

I will put on some pictures later on because I don;t have a decent camera here with me.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011!!

Hey peeps!!! Happy New Year!!!

Today is a historical day!!! 1/1/11. Which comes in every centennial. I have to Google to look for that word. Something that happens every 100 years.

I bid goodbye to 2010 with a lot of joy because in that particular year, I've achieved nothing. NOTHING!!! I'm sure it's all because of me and there's nothing I can do about it now. Only now I have come to realize that I could have done more if I just try and put myself more out there.

So, this year, I will be pursuing my degree in September and I am going to give my best. I've learned my lesson and I know that no one will help you to progress. If you want something to happen, MAKE IT HAPPEN! Friends and family may guide you but that's all they can do. Talk and support. Now, here I am with high spirit wanting to make the best out of 2011!

First off, I have been working in the same place for the past 4 and a quarter year, and all the time I am there, not moving forward or gain anything more than what I need know. I can do better. I know that. I just don't want to do it before because I am very comfortable in where I stand. It's okay for now but not for the rest of my life. I made a decision to at least try and get more experience in working with the Press and it could come in handy later on. Be prepared to read news written by me, PHEADRA M. CHIN in the newspaper somewhere next month.

I have 8 months to try and get the knowledge and my colleagues are very supportive. I am really grateful to them! While I'm at it, I will be doing some other things, like saving some money. I only manage to keep RM50 in the bank without touching it in 2010.

So, get ready to get more from me this year and I will definitely write down about my journalism experience!