Friday, December 12, 2008

For the Love of Book

I received a gift the other day, from a very dear friend of mine.

'The Twilight Saga'

Which I've been dying to read because people says that it's good.
Let me make my own judgement!
I've finished reading the book and I've watch the movie. (I'm not going to comment on the movie....Yet)

Stephenie Meyer is the author. She did a very good job!!! Her power lies in the way she describe the scene in the book. You can almost feel like you are in the book itself, You can imagine how the character is suppose to be,.. Best of all, while you're reading, you can see the character and the scene in your mind as you read. (At least for me)!! Enough credit for the Author.

Now, the books. There are 4 books in the Twilight Saga.

1. Twilight
2. New Moon
3. Eclipse
4. Breaking Dawn

My favourite is Twilight and Breaking Dawn. New Moon is a bit too boring for me,.. Some part of it. (That is when Edward is not there. Sorry for telling this). But, when I get to the next book, I finally get the point of everything. The story line.... When you read New Moon, you must read Eclipse as well!

The books are good; descriptive; breath catching; sweet; what else can I say?

I can't think anymore. I need more caffeine in me and I'm hungry!!

I'll write my review on each book later on. Or maybe I should make a new blog for book review! I'm getting better at this!

These are the cover of each book.

Twilight New Moon
Eclipse Breaking Dawn


Anonymous said...

i linked you already~

PaDLe PoP said...

Alaa... Im sorry i hardly update my blog. its alright. I'll do from now on!! Hahaha