Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Decision, mistakes & regrets or Happily ever after

Have you ever thought of wanting to do some things but you are just too scared and you're not going to take the risk? Well, I am always in that situation. Used to be in that situation!! Now, I'm beginning to see life differently, Life is what you make it!

Making decisions is the hardest thing that can be in our life, worst than a broken heart, they can mend, but wrong decisions will stay there forever and ever for the rest of your life. Sounds bad? There's a catch. Like what I said, life is what we make it, decisions is only a way to live our life. Wrong decisions? That's what we have to face as the consequences.

The thing about making decision is to know what's best for you. You'll never know unless you try it. There might be something special waiting for you in the decision that you make. I always believe that behind something, there's always something else. So, if I make the wrong decision, it's not wrong, it's just not right for you and then from there, move on, choose another path to walk on. There's one special path for you.

When you feel like you've totally screw up in life, DON'T! It's just a feeling that we feel when some things in your life is a mess. Look on the bright side, start anew. There's more to life ahead of us. Eventually, you'll find the right one for you, be it in life or love. You can only find them if you keep on searching, keep on making decision. When it don't feel right, try and find the cause of the feeling. If you still feel the same, QUIT! Try something else, what is there to lose? Your current life that gives you a major headache!! You might think that you can fix it, but think of how many times have you tried before? Why not hit a new road, and drive ahead. I believe that there's always a U-Turn if it really is for you. I believe in fate and destiny.

Everyone in the world is created for something. That is what we need to figure out. Why do I even exist? A question that most of us, or maybe all of us had ever think of. That is to make decisions and have no regrets. Life is what we make it. If we fail our exam, it's because we didn't work on it, if we are broke in the middle of the month, its because we didn't budget our spending, if we are tired, its because we didn't get enough rest.

Of course, what we do is just plan, GOD is the one who decides on everything. So, in everything we do, remember to Pray to God and hope for the best.

To be continued, I'm too sleepy to think now.

Lots of Love,


Amy Ajak said...

yaa oh babe..
i just need your advice on something that has been going on dalam my hidup skrg ni~

bad decision making?
erm.. i dunno..
it involves friendship.
just so sad la...

PaDLe PoP said...

Amyyyyy... Im sorry i havent read my blog or update for quite a while... do u still need advice hun?? hahaha... half a year had gone by kan..