Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tendency to be lazy

I am not sure about anyone else, as for me, I have this habit where I sometimes am very lazy to do anything at all. When I do, I will just sleep in the whole day because I think that living in this world is so tiring. Being yourself is tiring, doing things you’re suppose to is tiring and even to get up to get a glass of water is tiring. I love to sleep and dream where it’s very easy to forget about the reality for a while. Dreamland is wonderful. You can do just about anything and don’t have any mutual feelings and it actually makes me happy.

Putting off the work that you’re supposed to do is not a good thing. I had a hard time doing my assignments and day by day, it get more and more and I don’t know when will I have the urge to do it as I need to do it in order to get good grades in school. Well, I have to admit that I am quite a bright student in class. I can understand a lot of things in one simple explanation compared to some others but still, this habit is killing me.

I guess it’s just because I am tired every single day. Working and studying at the same time is not an easy job, I am wondering how can I cope with it myself and of course, look at where it leads me to – BECOMING A BIG FAT LAZY ASS. I sure do learn my lessons and I will not repeat it again in my degree years. Goodbye self earn money ($$$).

Having my own money to spend is a very good thing. I can have anything that I want (affordable of course) and can actually brag about it. The adrenaline rush that runs in my veins on payday is very ... I don’t even know how to describe it and then of course, it will bring me to complete happiness as I will do what most girls will do – SHOPPING!!!!

Anyways, those are couple of things that I have to bid goodbye to in order to get a better life, better pay and better shopping experience. :D

I am already out of topic so, that just a thought before I go to bed. Good night.